Manager Of Starhill Global REIT
YTL Starhill Global REIT Management Limited was appointed the Manager of Starhill Global REIT in accordance with the terms of the Starhill Global REIT Trust Deed dated 8 August 2005 (as amended, supplemented or restated from time to time) ("Trust Deed").
The Manager of Starhill Global REIT has general power of management over the assets of Starhill Global REIT. The primary role of the Manager is to set the strategic direction of Starhill Global REIT and to make recommendations to HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited, as trustee of Starhill Global REIT (“Trustee”), on acquisitions, divestments and enhancement of the assets of Starhill Global REIT, in accordance with its stated business strategy and the terms of the Trust Deed. Other important functions and responsibilities of the Manager include:
- using its best endeavours to ensure that the business of Starhill Global REIT is carried out and conducted in a proper and efficient manner and to conduct all transactions with or for Starhill Global REIT at arm's length;
- preparing property business plans on a regular basis, which may contain proposals and forecasts on net income, capital expenditure, sales and valuations, explanations of major variances to previous forecasts, written commentary on key issues and underlying assumptions on rental rates, occupancy costs and any other relevant assumptions (the purpose of these plans is to manage the performance of Starhill Global REIT's assets);
- ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the Trust Deed;
- attending to all communications with Unitholders; and
- supervising the property managers in performing the day-to-day property management functions (such as leasing, marketing, maintenance, promotion and accounting) for the properties, pursuant to the property management agreements.
Starhill Global REIT, which is constituted as a trust, has no direct staff of its own (other than the staff of its China subsidiary). It is externally managed by the Manager, who appoints experienced and well-qualified management staff to run its operations. All Directors and employees of the Manager are remunerated by the Manager and not by Starhill Global REIT.
The Trust Deed provides inter alia for the removal of the Manager in certain situations, including by way of resolution passed by a simple majority of Unitholders present and voting at a general meeting duly convened, with no Unitholder being disenfranchised.
On 16 September 2010, the Manager obtained a capital markets services licence from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) to conduct REIT management activities under the Securities and Futures Act, Chapter 289 of Singapore (“SFA”).
Corporate Governance Culture
The Manager believes that strong and effective corporate governance is essential in protecting the interests of the Unitholders and is critical to the success of its performance as the Manager.
The Manager is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and transparency in the management of Starhill Global REIT and operates in the spirit of the Code of Corporate Governance 2018 (“Code”) in the discharge of its responsibilities as Manager.
The following sections describe the Manager's primary corporate governance policies and practices with specific references to the Code, which incorporate measures for avoiding conflicts of interest, including prioritising the interests of Unitholders over those of the Manager. The Manager has complied with the principles and provisions of the Code in all material aspects. Where there are differences, an explanation has been provided in that section. These policies and practices also ensure that applicable laws and regulations including the listing rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”), the Code of Collective Investment Schemes (“CIS Code”) (including the Property Funds Appendix), written directions, notices, codes and other guidelines issued by the MAS, the SFA and the tax ruling dated 20 May 2005 issued by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore are complied with, and that the Manager's obligations in the Trust Deed are honoured.
1. The Board's Conduct of Affairs
Principle 1:
The company is headed by an effective Board which is collectively responsible and works with Management for the long-term success of the company.
Board's Duties and Responsibilities
The Board of Directors of the Manager (“Board”) is responsible for the overall management and corporate governance of the Manager and Starhill Global REIT, including establishing performance objectives, providing leadership and setting strategic objectives for the management team of the Manager (“Management”), which is led by the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). In turn, Management is responsible for executing the strategic objectives and day-to-day operations of the Manager and is held accountable to the Board for its performance.
The Board oversees the achievement of all goals such as Starhill Global REIT's DPU targets and other long-term targets that the Board sets for Management so as to deliver long-term sustainable returns to Unitholders. All Board members participate in matters relating to amongst others, corporate governance, business operations and risk management, financial performance and compliance with requirements in the listing rules of the SGX-ST, the CIS Code (including the Property Funds Appendix), written directions, notices, codes and other guidelines issued by the MAS, the SFA and other applicable rules and regulations.
The Board has adopted a set of internal controls with approval limits for capital expenditure, investments and divestments, bank borrowings and cheque signatories, amongst others and this is clearly communicated to Management in writing. Some matters that specifically require Board approval include the issue of new Units in Starhill Global REIT, income distributions and other returns to Unitholders, acquisitions and divestments. Apart from these matters which the Board has specifically reserved authority, the Board approves transactions exceeding certain threshold limits, while delegating authority for matters below those limits to Management so as to facilitate operational efficiency.
The Board has also established a system of internal controls and an enterprise risk management framework. The application of the policies and protocol under the framework is further described on page 70.
Each Director is a fiduciary and must act honestly and objectively in the best interests of Unitholders. In furtherance of this principle, the Board has adopted a code of conduct and ethics (“Board Charter”) by which all Directors must comply. This sets the appropriate tone from the top and desired organisational culture and ensures proper accountability within the Manager.
The Board Charter holds Directors to high standards of ethical conduct. This includes requiring Directors not to allow himself to be placed in a position of real or apparent conflict of interest. In the event a Director faces a real or apparent conflict of interest, he must disclose this to the Board and recuse himself from meetings and abstain from voting on decisions involving the matter. This obligation ties in with the Manager's prime responsibility in managing the assets and liabilities of Starhill Global REIT for the benefit of Unitholders. Decisions are taken objectively in the interests of the Unitholders. The Manager has also adopted guidelines, details of which are set out on pages 114 to 115, for related party transactions and dealing with conflicts of interests.
Directors must also perform their duties with due care, skill and diligence and must ensure that they possess the relevant knowledge to do so. This includes having a good understanding of their directorship duties (including their roles as Executive, Non-Executive and Independent Directors), the business of Starhill Global REIT and the environment in which it operates.
A Director with multiple board representations is expected to ensure sufficient time and attention is given to the affairs of the Manager and Starhill Global REIT. A Director must attend and actively participate in all meetings of the Board or Board Committees (if applicable) unless their attendance is impractical. The Manager believes that putting a maximum limit on the number of directorships a Director can hold is arbitrary, given that time requirements and complexity for each vary and thus should not be prescriptive. A sufficient safeguard is to require each Director to confirm his ability to devote sufficient time and attention to the affairs of the Manager and Starhill Global REIT, having regard to all his other listed company board representations and other principal commitments.
In addition, in cases where the Director(s) have multiple listed board representations, the Board conducts an annual review to ensure that they are able to and have been devoting sufficient time and attention to discharge their responsibilities adequately. Each Director confirmed his ability to devote sufficient time and attention to the affairs of the Manager and Starhill Global REIT, having regard to all his other listed company board representations and other principal commitments. Notwithstanding that some of the Directors have multiple listed board representations, the Board is satisfied that every Director is able to and has been adequately carrying out his duties as a Director of the Manager.
Directors' Development
Directors are provided with opportunities to develop and maintain their skills and knowledge to ensure that they are able to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. The Manager bears the full costs of training and development.
The Manager has in place an orientation programme aimed at familiarising new Directors with their directorship duties, the business activities and strategic directions of Starhill Global REIT, the corporate governance and risk management structure and practices, as well as their disclosure obligations as Directors. Newly appointed Directors are briefed on their roles and responsibilities as Directors of the Manager, and of the business activities and strategic directions of Starhill Global REIT. Directors who have no prior experience as a Director of an issuer listed on SGX-ST will be provided training on the roles and responsibilities of a Director of a listed issuer in accordance with the listing rules of the SGX-ST. No new Directors were appointed during FY 2020/21.
Upon appointment, Directors also receive a formal letter of appointment setting out the Director's duties, obligations and responsibilities, together with the Trust Deed and latest annual report of Starhill Global REIT and are acquainted with Key Management Personnel (“KMP”) who have authority and are responsible for executing the strategic objectives and day-to-day operations of the Manager.
During their appointment, Directors are provided access to programmes, courses and seminars including those organised by the Singapore Institute of Directors (“SID”). Changes to regulations, policies, accounting standards and other relevant matters and their implications are also monitored closely. Where those changes have a significant impact on Starhill Global REIT and its obligations of continuing disclosure, the Directors will be briefed during Board meetings or by the circulation of Board papers so as to ensure that the Directors are up to date on all matters which may affect the performance of their duties.
The Board has reviewed the current training and professional development programmes in place for all Directors and is satisfied that they are adequate.
Board Committees
In the discharge of its functions, the Board is supported by an Audit Committee (“AC”) that provides independent oversight of Management and which also serves to ensure that there are appropriate checks and balances. With effect from 1 August 2021, the Nominating and Remuneration Committee (“NRC”) was established and will be responsible to make recommendations to the Board on the nomination, appointment/re-appointment of Directors and members of the Board Committees, as well as remuneration matters of the Directors and executive officers, that have been undertaken by the Board before 1 August 2021. All Board Committees have clear written terms of reference setting out its composition, authorities and duties including reporting back to the Board. The names of the committee members, their terms of reference, any delegation of the Board's authority to make decisions and their duties and responsibilities are set out on pages 104 to 112.
Meetings of the Board and Board Committees
Board meetings are scheduled and held at least once every quarter. In addition to scheduled meetings, the Board and Board Committees may also hold ad hoc meetings wherever required. If physical meetings cannot be held, the Constitution of the Manager permits the Board and Board Committee meetings to be held by way of teleconference and videoconference and decisions may also be made by way of a written resolution.
Directors attend and actively participate in Board and Board Committee meetings. Five Board meetings and seven AC meetings were held in FY 2020/21 and all Directors were present, or if any Director was unavailable, he would attend a separate meeting on the same matter. Prior to Board and Board Committee meetings and on an ongoing basis, Management provides Directors with complete, adequate and timely information so as to enable them to make informed decisions to discharge their duties and responsibilities. Board and Board Committee papers and agenda are provided to each Director in advance of Board and Board Committee meetings so that Directors can review and consider the matters being tabled beforehand. The management accounts of Starhill Global REIT are also provided to the Board on a quarterly basis to enable the Board to keep abreast of Starhill Global REIT's financial performance. In addition, as and when any significant matter arises, Management promptly brings these matters to the Board's attention and provides the Board with the relevant financial information.
During Board meetings, Management provides the Board with regular updates on financial results, market and business developments and business and operational information. The Board also reviews and approves the release of Starhill Global REIT's financial results. The Board may also meet to discuss and review the strategies and policies of Starhill Global REIT, including any significant matters pertaining to acquisitions and disposals, the annual budget, and the financial performance of Starhill Global REIT measured against a previously approved budget. The Board will generally review matters which have an impact on the business risks and management of liability of Starhill Global REIT, and acts on comments and recommendations from the auditors of Starhill Global REIT.
Where necessary, senior members of Management participate in Board and Board Committee meetings to provide additional insights and to respond to any queries from Directors. Directors have separate and independent access to senior members of Management and the company secretary at all times. Directors also have access to independent professional advice (legal, financial or otherwise) where appropriate or necessary, with the cost borne by the Manager or Starhill Global REIT, as appropriate.
The company secretary of the Manager will render necessary assistance to Directors and will ensure that the Board and Board Committee procedures are followed and that applicable laws and regulations are complied with. Under the direction of the Chairman, the company secretary's responsibilities include ensuring good information flow between the Board and the Board Committees and between Management and Non-Executive Directors and advising the Board and Board Committees on all governance matters. The company secretary also attends all Board and Board Committee meetings of the Manager to take minutes, which record the key issues discussed and decisions made thereon. Minutes of Board and AC meetings are circulated to all Board members for their information. The appointment and removal of the company secretary is a Board reserved matter.
In the year under review, the number of Board and AC meetings held and attended by each Board member is as follows:
2. Board Composition and Guidance
Principle 2:
The Board has an appropriate level of independence and diversity of thought and background in its composition to enable it to make decisions in the best interests of the company.
Board Independence
The Board is satisfied that there is a strong independent element on the Board that allows it to make decisions in the best interests of the Unitholders notwithstanding Independent Directors do not make up a majority of the Board. This is because the Board comprises six members, three of whom are Independent Directors. This means that to attain a majority for any resolution to be passed, the approval of at least one of the Independent Directors would first have to be obtained.
In addition, Mr Tan Bong Lin has been appointed as the Lead Independent Director.
The composition of the Board and the Board Committees as at 1 August 2021 is set out below:
He has, among others, the discretion to hold meetings with the other two Independent Directors (without the presence of Management) as he deems appropriate or necessary and provide feedback to the Chairman. More importantly, he also has the duty to provide leadership to the other Directors in situations where the Chairman faces any real or apparent conflict of interest. Independent Directors also hold meetings with the auditors regularly without the presence of Management.
The Board assesses annually and as and when circumstances require, the independence of each Director in accordance with the requirements of the Code and accompanying Practice Guidance, the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations (“SFLCBR”), and the listing manual of the SGX-ST. A Director is considered to be independent if he:
- is independent in conduct, character and judgment;
- has no relationship with the Manager, its related corporations, its substantial shareholders being shareholders who have interests in voting shares with 5.0% or more of the total votes attached to all voting shares, Starhill Global REIT's substantial Unitholders being Unitholders who have interests in voting Units with 5.0% or more of the total votes attached to all voting Units of Starhill Global REIT, or the Manager's officers that could interfere, or be reasonably perceived to interfere, with the exercise of that Director's independent business judgment in the best interests of the Unitholders;
- is independent from any management and business relationship with the Manager and Starhill Global REIT;
- is not a substantial shareholder of the Manager, or a substantial Unitholder;
- has not served on the Board for a continuous period of nine years or longer;
- is not employed by the Manager, any of its related corporations, or the Trustee for the current or any of the past three financial years; and
- does not have an immediate family member who is employed or has been employed by the Manager, any of its related corporations, or the Trustee for the past three financial years.
Mr Ching Yew Chye has disclosed that he is the Independent Non-Executive Chairman of AIA General Berhad and AIA Berhad. AIA General Berhad is a subsidiary of AIA Berhad, which is in turn a wholly-owned subsidiary of AIA Group Limited, a substantial Unitholder. Despite the foregoing, the Board has assessed Mr Ching's independence and has taken the view that his independent business judgment and ability to act in the best interests of all Unitholders as a whole will not be impeded, given that Mr Ching is not an Executive but an Independent Director of AIA General Berhad and AIA Berhad and is not appointed on the Board as a nominee of any AIA entities. He is also not a Director of AIA Group Limited, the substantial Unitholder, and the businesses of Starhill Global REIT and each of AIA General Berhad, AIA Berhad or AIA Group Limited are distinctly different and there are unlikely to be any competing interests.
Mr Tan Woon Hum has disclosed that he is a partner of M/s Shook Lin & Bok LLP (“SLB”), which provides services to the Trustee from time to time. As there were no legal fees paid to SLB by Starhill Global REIT in FY 2019/20 and FY 2020/21, and Mr Tan will not be personally involved in legal services to be provided by SLB for Starhill Global REIT, the Board has assessed Mr Tan Woon Hum's independence and has taken the view that his independent business judgment and ability to act in the best interests of all Unitholders as a whole will not be impeded.
Mr Tan Bong Lin is an Independent Non-Executive Director of APAC Realty Limited (“APAC Realty”). APAC Realty provides real estate brokerage services, franchise arrangements, and training, valuation and other ancillary services. APAC Realty provides leasing agency services to Starhill Global REIT and real estate salesperson training courses to YTL Starhill Global Property Management Pte. Ltd., a related company of the Manager, from time to time. The aggregate amount of fees paid to APAC Realty for leasing agency services and training courses in FY 2019/20 and FY 2020/21 is insignificant, and is also insubstantial, relative to the revenue of APAC Realty, and the total amount of leasing agency fees paid by Starhill Global REIT. Mr Tan's directorship in APAC Realty is Non-Executive in nature and he is not involved in its day-to-day management. He will also recuse himself from any issues and/or matters arising from the provision of any of the above services by APAC Realty to Starhill Global REIT. Based on the above, the Board has assessed Mr Tan Bong Lin's independence and has taken the view that his independent business judgment and ability to act in the best interests of all Unitholders as a whole will not be impeded.
As such, none of the Independent Directors have any relationships which are likely to affect his independent business judgment and ability to act in the best interests of all Unitholders as a whole.
Board Diversity
The size of the Board and core competencies of its members in various fields of accounting, finance, business management and legal, together with their relevant industry knowledge and strategic planning experience, effectively serve Starhill Global REIT and the Manager. Therefore, the Board's policy is to embrace diversity so as to ensure that the Board is consistently comprised of experienced and well-qualified Directors who possess an appropriate balance and mix of skills, knowledge, experience and other aspects of diversity to avoid groupthink and foster constructive debate. This allows Management to benefit from the diverse and objective perspectives on issues that are brought before the Board with a healthy exchange of ideas and views between the Board and Management.
Consistent with the Board's policy to embrace diversity, the composition of the Board (including the selection of candidates for new appointments as part of the Board's renewal process) is determined in accordance with the following principles:
- the Board should comprise of Directors with a broad range of commercial experience including expertise in fund management and experience in all facets of the property or real estate industry; and
- at least half of the Board should comprise of Independent Directors.
While the Board is presently composed of Directors of the same gender, it has always been the policy of the Board to appoint new Directors without regard to gender, as the Board believes the ultimate choice should primarily be based on merit. In addition, gender diversity among KMP ensures that alternative and constructive views are provided to the Board during the decision-making process. Please refer to pages 24 to 25.
The profiles of the Directors are set out on pages 22 to 23. The Board is of the view that its current composition comprises persons who, as a group, provide the necessary core competencies and that the current Board size is appropriate, taking into consideration the scale, nature and scope of Starhill Global REIT's operations. The composition of the Board is also reviewed regularly to ensure that it has the appropriate mix of expertise and experience.
The Non-Executive Directors participate in setting and developing strategies and goals for Management and reviewing and assessing Management's performance.
The Independent Directors led by Mr Tan Bong Lin meet regularly without the presence of Management. Mr Tan Bong Lin provides feedback to the Board where appropriate enabling Management to benefit from the Independent Directors' external and objective perspective of issues that are brought before the Board. It also enables the Board to interact and work with Management through a healthy exchange of ideas and views to help shape the strategic process.
3. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Principle 3:
There is a clear division of responsibilities between the leadership of the Board and Management, and no one individual has unfettered powers of decision-making.
The positions of Chairman and CEO are held by separate persons in order to maintain an effective segregation of duties so as to ensure an appropriate balance of power, increased accountability and greater capacity of the Board for independent decision-making. The Chairman, Tan Sri (Sir) Francis Yeoh, and the CEO, Mr Ho Sing, are not immediate family members.
The clear separation of the roles and responsibilities between the Chairman and the CEO are set out in writing. The Chairman facilitates active Board discussion on matters concerning the business of Starhill Global REIT and ensures that the Board satisfactorily oversees and evaluates the implementation of Starhill Global REIT's strategy, policies, business plans and Board decisions. In addition, the Chairman ensures that the members of the Board receive complete, adequate and timely information, facilitates the effective contribution of the Non-Executive Directors, encourages constructive relations within the Board and between the Board and Management, ensures effective communication with Unitholders and promotes a high standard of corporate governance. The CEO works with the Chairman and the Board in formulating and executing strategies for Starhill Global REIT and is responsible for executing the day-to-day operations of Starhill Global REIT.
As Mr Tan Bong Lin has been appointed as Lead Independent Director, he has the discretion to hold meetings with the other two Independent Directors (without the presence of Management) as he deems necessary and he will provide feedback to the Non-Executive Chairman, where appropriate. He also has the duty to provide leadership in situations where the Chairman faces any real or apparent conflict of interest. The Lead Independent Director is also available to shareholders of the Manager and Unitholders where they have concerns and for which contact through the normal channels of the Chairman or Management has failed to resolve or is inappropriate.
4. Board Membership
Principle 4:
The Board has a formal and transparent process for the appointment and reappointment of directors, taking into account the need for progressive renewal of the Board.
For FY 2020/21, the Manager did not establish a nominating committee (“NC”) as the Board undertook the function of an NC, including assessing the independence of the Independent Directors on an annual basis. The Manager, taking into account the capacity of the Board to undertake the responsibilities of an NC in light of the activities and scale of the business of Starhill Global REIT, the fact that Independent Directors constitute half of the Board of the Manager and that the nomination policy is required to be approved by the Board, including by at least a majority of Independent Directors, does not consider it necessary for the Board to establish an NC. The Independent Directors constitute half the Board and therefore play a substantial role in ensuring the objectivity and independence of the decision-making process in respect of nomination.
The SGX-ST has also issued a Practice Note which provides that the requirement for the establishment of a nominating and remuneration committee under the listing manual of the SGX-ST does not apply to REITs if the REIT complies with regulations made under the SFA relating to Board composition of a REIT Manager. As the Manager complies with Regulation 13D of the SFLCBR relating to the composition of the Board of the Manager, the Manager is of the opinion that the corporate governance requirements relating to the nominating and remuneration committee have been substantively addressed.
Following the establishment of the NRC, with effect from 1 August 2021, the NRC makes recommendations to the Board on matters relating to:
- the review of succession plans for Directors including the appointment or replacement of the Chairman, the CEO and the Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”);
- the process and criteria for evaluation of the performance of the Board, its Board Committees and Directors;
- the review of training and professional development programmes for the Board and its Directors; and
- the appointment of Directors (including alternate Directors, if any).
The NRC comprises five members, out of whom three are Independent Directors. The members of the NRC as at 1 August 2021 are Mr Tan Woon Hum (Chairman), Tan Sri (Sir) Francis Yeoh, Dato' Yeoh Seok Kian, Mr Tan Bong Lin and Mr Ching Yew Chye.
During FY 2020/21, Unitholders were given the right to endorse the appointment of the Directors of the Manager by way of ordinary resolution passed at the AGMs of Unitholders pursuant to an undertaking given by YTL Corporation Berhad to the Trustee dated 21 August 2020 (“Undertaking”). Accordingly, the Directors were put forth for Unitholders' endorsement of appointment at SG REIT's AGM held on 28 October 2020. Succession of Directors is therefore carried out when a Director indicates his desire to retire or resign or when the Director's appointment has not been endorsed or re-endorsed (whichever applicable) by the Unitholders at the relevant AGM. Notwithstanding that the appointments of Tan Sri (Sir) Francis Yeoh and Mr Ho Sing were endorsed by Unitholders on 28 October 2020 and the Undertaking requires the Manager to seek Unitholders' re-endorsement for the appointment of each Director no later than every third AGM of Starhill Global REIT after the relevant general meeting at which such Director's appointment was last endorsed, the Manager is seeking the re-endorsement of the appointments of Tan Sri (Sir) Francis Yeoh and Mr Ho Sing at the AGM to be held in 2021 so that eventually at any one AGM, only one-third of the Directors will seek re-endorsement. Pursuant to Rule 720(6) of the listing manual of the SGX-ST, information relating to the Directors to be re-endorsed is provided on pages 119 to 124 of this Annual Report.
All Board appointments are approved by the Board and selection and appointment is based on merit. The NRC will make recommendations to the Board on these matters from 1 August 2021. The criteria used by the Manager to identify and evaluate potential new Directors include:
- integrity;
- relevant expertise (sector and functional) and the degree to which his or her skill set complements the skill set of the other Board members;
- reputation and standing in the market;
- in the case of prospective Independent Directors, independence based on the criteria in the Code, the SFLCBR and the listing manual of the SGX-ST;
- the fit and proper criteria issued by MAS;
- potential Directors of both genders will be considered, but the ultimate choice will primarily be based on merit; and
- the Director should have adequate time to discharge his duties.
Any Director may source for and nominate new Directors to be appointed by the Board, through their extensive network and contacts. If necessary, the Board or NRC may seek advice from the SID or external search consultants. Prior to FY 2020/21, new potential Directors of both genders were sourced through contacts and recommendations, including recommendations from the SID, contacts from Directors, and recommendations from relevant industry professionals.
No new Directors or alternate Directors were appointed during FY 2020/21. The independence of the Independent Directors was assessed by the Board on an annual basis and as and when circumstances require. With effect from 1 August 2021, the NRC took over the Board's role of assessing independence of the Independent Directors. Directors are also required to report to the Board any addition to or change in their other appointments, their relationships with the Manager, its related corporations, its substantial shareholders, substantial Unitholders or the Manager's officers, if any, or any other change in circumstances which may affect their independence or judgment and ability to act in the interests of all Unitholders as a whole. In the event the Board, having taken into account the views of the NRC, determines that such Directors are independent notwithstanding the existence of such relationships, the Manager will disclose the relationships and its reasons in the Annual Report.
The NRC ensures that new Directors are aware of their duties and obligations (1. “The Board's Conduct of Affairs”) and decides if a Director is able to and has been adequately carrying out his or her duties (5. “Board Performance”). The listed company Directorships and principal commitments of each Director are disclosed on pages 22 to 23.
5. Board Performance
Principle 5:
The Board undertakes a formal annual assessment of its effectiveness as a whole, and that of each of its board committees and individual directors.
The Manager believes that the performance of the Manager and the Board, is reflected in the long-term success of Starhill Global REIT. Reviews of Board performance are conducted once a year. Directors are required to complete a questionnaire evaluating the Board and the Board Committees. With effect from 1 August 2021, the NRC recommends for the Board's approval the objective performance criteria and process for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board, the Board Committees and the contributions by each individual Director to the Board's effectiveness.
The questionnaire covers objective performance criteria for the evaluation of the Board as a whole, the Board Committees and the contribution by the Chairman and each individual Director in areas such as Board composition, access to information, Board processes, risk management, Board training and development, understanding of the business, strategic planning and any specific areas where improvements may be made. The Company Secretary compiles Directors' responses to the questionnaire into a consolidated report and with effect from 1 August 2021, the NRC will evaluate and discuss the results of the annual Board performance review with a view towards improving the effectiveness of the Board. Pursuant to the Board evaluation process, the Board is satisfied that it has achieved its performance objectives for FY 2020/21. No external facilitators have been engaged.
In conducting the review of the performance of the Board, the Board Committees and each Director, the Manager believes that contributions from each Director go beyond his attendance at Board and committee meetings. Contributions by an individual Board member take other forms, which includes providing objective perspectives of issues, facilitating business opportunities and strategic relationships, and accessibility to Management outside of a formal environment of Board or Board Committee meetings.
1. Procedures for Developing Remuneration Policies
Principle 6:
The Board has a formal and transparent procedure for developing policies on director and executive remuneration, and for fixing the remuneration packages of individual directors and key management personnel. No director is involved in deciding his or her own remuneration.
2. Level and Mix of Remuneration
Principle 7:
The level and structure of remuneration of the Board and key management personnel are appropriate and proportionate to the sustained performance and value creation of the company, taking into account the strategic objectives of the company.
3. Disclosure on Remuneration
Principle 8:
The company is transparent on its remuneration policies, level and mix of remuneration, the procedure for setting remuneration, and the relationships between remuneration, performance and value creation.
For FY 2020/21, the Manager did not establish a remuneration committee (“RC”) as the Board undertook the function of an RC. The Manager, taking into account the capacity of the Board to undertake the responsibilities of an RC in light of the activities and scale of business of Starhill Global REIT, the fact that Independent Directors constitute half of the Board of the Manager and that the remuneration policy is required to be approved by the Board, including by at least a majority of Independent Directors, does not consider it necessary for the Board to establish an RC. The Independent Directors constitute half the Board and therefore play a substantial role and assures the objectivity and independence of the decision-making process in respect of remuneration.
Following the establishment of the NRC, with effect from 1 August 2021, the NRC supports the Board in the remuneration matters of the Manager in accordance with the NRC's terms of reference. The NRC's terms of reference, among other matters, set out the scope and authority in performing the functions of a remuneration committee. This includes, the NRC reviewing and making recommendations to the Board on the remuneration policy of the Manager for the Board and employees of the Manager including the specific packages for each Director, the CEO and the CFO, the total bonus amount payable to all employees and the corporate performance targets for payment of bonus and other aspects of remuneration of the CEO and the CFO including termination terms to ensure they are fair. Such matters will also require approval by at least a majority of the Independent Directors. The CEO recused himself from Board deliberations relating to his remuneration. Directors' fees are subject to approval by the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Manager.
Each Director abstains from voting in respect of the fees payable to their respective selves.
The Board or NRC seeks expert advice on remuneration and governance matters from external consultants, where necessary. The Board or NRC will ensure that existing relationships between the group and its appointed remuneration consultants, if any, will not affect the independence and objectivity of the external remuneration consultants.
During FY 2020/21, the Manager did not engage any remuneration consultant. The remuneration of Directors and staff of the Manager is paid by the Manager from the fees it receives from Starhill Global REIT and not by Starhill Global REIT itself.
To support the business growth and aspirations, the Manager is committed to strengthen its leadership capability and organisational effectiveness through talent management. It ensures that a significant and appropriate proportion of the Executive Director's and KMP's remuneration is structured by linking total compensation directly to the achievement of organisational and individual performance goals, while giving consideration to the equitability and market competitiveness of its remuneration practices so as to align performance-based remuneration with the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders and promote the long-term success of Starhill Global REIT.
In determining the mix of different forms of remuneration for executive officers, the Board seeks to ensure that the level and mix of remuneration is competitive, relevant and appropriate in finding a balance between fixed and performance-related components. Total remuneration comprises the following components:
- fixed remuneration comprises base salary, Central Provident Fund contributions, Annual Wage Supplement and benefits and allowances;
- variable bonus payments, paid wholly in cash, incentivise and reward individuals for their performance, efforts and achievement. The payment of variable bonus is subject to achievement of Starhill Global REIT's DPU, the Manager's profit after tax targets and other long-term targets approved by the Board, with substantial emphasis on the performance of Starhill Global REIT to align employee interests with the interests of Unitholders. In approving the variable bonus for FY 2020/21, the Board had taken into account the extent to which the performance targets have been met, and is of the view that remuneration is aligned to performance during FY 2020/21; and
- a long-term deferred bonus scheme, awarded wholly in cash, is put in place to retain selected management executives and talent who are key in the business operation. The scheme focuses on strengthening its organisational capability and leadership core, with the objective of encouraging loyalty and ensuring that decisions are taken with a long-term view in mind.
No share/unit option schemes or share/unit schemes have been implemented. The Board has reviewed the remuneration components above and is satisfied that there is reasonable mitigation of any potential misalignment of interests, taking into account: (i) the Board's discretion (including the requirement for approval by not less than a majority of Independent Directors) to determine whether the remuneration payable is in line with the remuneration policy; (ii) the substantial emphasis placed on the performance of Starhill Global REIT; and (iii) the absence of any remuneration payment in the form of shares or interest in the controlling Unitholder or its related entities.
The remuneration of the Non-Executive Directors is appropriate to their level of contribution, taking into account factors such as effort, time spent, and their responsibilities. For FY 2020/21, remuneration of Non-Executive Directors comprised entirely of Directors' fees payable in cash. The Directors' fees take into account industry practices and norms on remuneration. Each Director is paid a basic fee and the Chairman of the Board, AC and NRC are paid a higher fee in view of the greater responsibility carried by that office. The CEO does not receive Directors' fees as he receives employee remuneration from the Manager. Each Director will be remunerated based on their level of responsibilities on the Board, the AC and NRC, in accordance with the following framework for FY 2020/21 (save that fees for the NRC below will only take effect for FY 2021/22):
The total amount of Directors' fees (gross before netting off withholding tax) payable to the Non-Executive Directors for FY 2020/21 are as follows:
The Manager is cognisant of the requirement to disclose (i) the CEO's remuneration, (ii) the remuneration of at least the top five KMP (who are not the CEO or Directors), in bands no wider than S$250,000 and (iii) the aggregate total remuneration paid to the top five KMP. The Board has assessed and decided against the disclosure of the remuneration of the CEO and KMP (who are not the CEO or Directors) on a named basis, whether in exact quantum or in bands of S$250,000 and of the aggregate total remuneration paid to the top five executive officers because it is not in the Manager's best interest to do so, taking into account inter alia the commercial sensitivity and confidential nature of remuneration matters, the presence of highly competitive conditions for talent in the industry, which is relatively small, the importance of ensuring stability and continuity of business operations of Starhill Global REIT with a competent and experienced management team in place and the negative impact which such disclosure may have on the Manager in attracting and retaining talent on a long-term basis. The non-disclosure will not be prejudicial to the interests of Unitholders as sufficient information is provided on the Manager's remuneration policy to enable Unitholders to understand the link between the remuneration paid to the CEO and KMP (who are not the CEO or Directors) and performance.
As such, the Manager adopts a remuneration philosophy that is directed towards the attraction, retention and motivation of competent employees, key talents and the Directors to provide good stewardship of the Manager and KMP to successfully manage Starhill Global REIT for the long-term.
There were no employees of the Manager who was a substantial shareholder of the Manager, a substantial Unitholder or are immediate family members of a Director, the CEO, a substantial shareholder of the Manager or a substantial Unitholder and whose remuneration exceeds S$100,000 during FY 2020/21. “Immediate family member” refers to the spouse, child, adopted child, step-child, sibling or parent of the individual.
1. Risk Management and Internal Controls
Principle 9:
The Board is responsible for the governance of risk and ensures that Management maintains a sound system of risk management and internal controls, to safeguard the interests of the company and its shareholders.
Effective risk management is a fundamental part of Starhill Global REIT's business strategy. Recognising and managing risk is central to the business and to protecting Unitholders' interests and value and it is the responsibility of the Board to determine the nature and extent of the significant risks which the company is willing to take in achieving its strategic objectives and value creation.
In furtherance of this objective, Management has in place an enterprise risk management (“ERM”) framework and policies, which have been approved by the Board, that provide a structured approach to identifying and managing the material risks that could arise in the course of managing Starhill Global REIT. The ERM framework and policies are monitored and reviewed by the Board as and when appropriate, and major developments and significant revisions to the ERM framework or policies will be submitted to the Board for approval. An independent consultant also reviews the ERM framework and the identified risks and control activities, and provides a report to the Board once every two years. Material risks at both the Manager and Starhill Global REIT levels are managed through this ERM framework. Application of the policies and protocol under the ERM framework in respect of Starhill Global REIT assets and operations is further described on page 70.
The Manager has also put in place a system of internal controls, compliance procedures and processes to safeguard Starhill Global REIT's assets and Unitholders' interests, manage risks and ensure compliance with high standards of corporate governance.
The AC has been tasked by the Board to include risk management within its oversight role. This includes the review of material risks identified by Management with respect to the business operations of the Manager, Starhill Global REIT and the assets of Starhill Global REIT. Financial risk management is exercised in accordance with a robust policy. The AC and the Board, with the assistance of the internal and external auditors, review the adequacy and effectiveness of Starhill Global REIT's system of risk management and internal controls that address material risks, including material financial, operational, compliance and information technology risks. Any material non-compliance or failures in internal controls and recommendations for improvements are reported to the AC. The AC also reviewed the measures taken by Management on the recommendations made by the internal and external auditors.
The Board has received assurance from the CEO and CFO of the Manager that the financial records of Starhill Global REIT have been properly maintained and the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of Starhill Global REIT's operations and finances.
In addition, the Board has also received assurance from the CEO and other KMP who are responsible for various aspects of risk management and internal controls that Starhill Global REIT's system of risk management and internal controls in place within the Group were adequate and effective as at 30 June 2021 in addressing the material risks in the Group, including material financial, operational, compliance and information technology risks.
Based on the system of risk management and internal controls established and maintained by the Manager, work performed by the internal and external auditors, reviews performed by Management, and the assurance from the CEO and CFO of the Manager, the Board with the concurrence of the AC is of the opinion that Starhill Global REIT's system of risk management and internal controls in place within the Group were adequate and effective as at 30 June 2021 in addressing the material risks in the Group, including material financial, operational, compliance and information technology risks. The CEO and the CFO of the Manager have obtained similar assurances from the function heads of the Manager. No material weaknesses in the systems of risk management and internal controls were identified by the Board or the AC for FY 2020/21.
The Board notes that the system of risk management and internal controls provides reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that Starhill Global REIT will not be adversely affected by any event that could be reasonably foreseen as it works to achieve its business objectives. In this regard, the Board also notes that no system of risk management and internal controls can provide absolute assurance against the occurrence of material errors, poor judgment in decision making, human error, losses, fraud or other irregularities.
2. Audit Committee
Principle 10:
The Board has an Audit Committee which discharges its duties objectively.
The AC is established by the Board from among the Directors of the Manager and currently comprises three members, all of whom are Independent Directors. The members of the AC as at 30 June 2021 are Mr Tan Bong Lin (Chairman), Mr Ching Yew Chye and Mr Tan Woon Hum. The members of the AC, collectively, have recent and relevant accounting and financial management expertise or experience and are qualified to discharge the AC's responsibilities. No former partner or Director of the Manager's existing auditing firm or audit corporation is a member of the AC within a period of two years commencing on the date of his ceasing to be a partner of the auditing firm or Director of the auditing corporation, or for as long as he has any financial interest in the auditing firm or auditing corporation.
The AC assists the Board in overseeing the ERM framework and any matters of significance affecting financial reporting and internal controls of Starhill Global REIT.
The terms of reference for the AC include:
- reviewing the significant financial reporting issues and judgments so as to ensure the integrity of the financial statements of Starhill Global REIT and any announcements relating to Starhill Global REIT's financial performance;
- reviewing at least annually the adequacy and effectiveness of the Manager's internal controls and risk management systems;
- reviewing the assurance from the CEO and the CFO on the financial records and financial statements;
- monitoring the procedures in place to ensure compliance with applicable legislation, the listing manual of the SGX-ST and the Property Funds Appendix;
- reviewing and making recommendations to the Board in relation to the financial statements and the audit report;
- monitoring the procedures established to regulate Related Party Transactions (as defined below), including ensuring compliance with the provisions of the relevant regulations;
- making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the external auditor, and approving the remuneration and terms of engagement of such auditors;
- ensuring that the internal audit function is adequately resourced through outsourcing the appointment to a reputable firm where appropriate and approving their appointment, removal and remuneration;
- reviewing the adequacy, effectiveness, independence, scope and results of the external audit and the outsourced internal audit function and ensuring that where deficiencies in internal controls have been identified, appropriate and prompt remedial action is taken by Management; and
- reviewing the policy and arrangements for concerns about possible improprieties in financial reporting or other matters to be safely raised, independently investigated and appropriately followed up on.
The Manager has put in place a whistleblowing policy which sets out the procedures for a whistleblower to make a report to the Manager on misconduct or wrongdoing relating to Starhill Global REIT, the Manager and its officers. The AC is responsible for ensuring the implementation, regular review and updating of the Manager's whistle blowing policy. The policy is in place to ensure that employees of the Manager and any other persons such as the vendors are provided with well-defined and accessible channels to report on potential or actual improprieties in financial or other operational matters as well as serious wrongdoings or malpractice, and breach of business conduct and ethics, in confidence, and for the independent investigation of any reports by employees and any other persons and appropriate follow-up action. Reports may be made to the compliance officer and to the Chairman of the AC via email at All reports are made or marked “Strictly Private & Confidential” and will be received and dealt with in strictest confidence. The whistle-blowing policy objects to and does not tolerate nor condone any retaliatory action taken against the whistleblower who acts in good faith and without malice. To protect the whistleblower against any detrimental or unfair treatment, the Manager may institute disciplinary action or assist the whistle-blower who is an employee in taking a legal action, against any employee or person found to have taken such retaliatory action. However, the Manager does not condone frivolous, mischievous or malicious allegations. The AC has absolute discretion to determine how the whistleblowing report should be dealt with or resolved (including without limitation, whether details of the report need to be disclosed to the Board or other parties). The AC may, inter alia, conduct its own investigation or review; engage any third parties to take remedial action, to commence or conduct further investigations or review as deemed appropriate; or take any other action as the AC may determine in the best interests of the Manager and the Group.
The AC is responsible for the nomination of external auditors and internal auditors, and reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of existing audits in respect of cost, scope and performance. The AC meets with the internal auditor at least once a year and with the external auditor at least once every quarter without the presence of Management, to discuss any matters which the AC or the auditors believe should be discussed privately without the presence of Management.
The AC has appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers Risk Services Pte. Ltd. to perform the internal audit functions. The internal auditor subscribes to, and is guided by the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc (“IIA”) and its standards are aligned with the standards set by the IIA. For FY 2020/21, the AC has reviewed the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal audit function and was satisfied that the internal audit function was independent, effective, adequately resourced and has appropriate standing within Starhill Global REIT and the Manager.
The internal auditor reviews internal controls to ensure they address related risks, and reports directly to the AC. Management is responsible for addressing issues identified by the internal auditor. The internal auditor will also audit and report on the appropriateness and effectiveness of processes for the management of interested person transactions at least once a year. The internal auditor has unrestricted access to the AC, and access to the Manager's and Starhill Global REIT's documents, records, properties and personnel, where relevant to their work.
The Trustee has a right to review internal audit reports so as to ascertain that the Property Funds Appendix has been complied with and the AC is authorised to investigate any matters within its terms of reference. The AC has unfettered access to and cooperation from Management and to reasonable resources to enable it to discharge its functions. The AC has also reviewed all non-audit services provided by the external auditor and is satisfied that the nature and extent of such services will not prejudice the independence and objectivity of the external auditor. The aggregate amount of fees paid and payable to the external auditor for FY 2020/21 and the breakdown into audit fees and non-audit fees are set out on page 169. Pursuant to Rule 1207(6)(c) of the listing manual of the SGX-ST, the Manager confirms that Starhill Global REIT has complied with Rules 712 and 715 of the listing manual in relation to the appointment of the external auditor.
During FY 2020/21, the AC performed independent reviews of the financial statements of Starhill Global REIT before the announcement of Starhill Global REIT's financial results, including key areas of management judgment.
The AC also reviewed and approved both the internal auditor's and the external auditor's audit plans of Starhill Global REIT for FY 2020/21. The audit findings and recommendations put up by the internal auditor and the external auditor were reported and discussed at the AC meetings.
The AC meets at least once every quarter. A total of seven AC meetings were held in FY 2020/21.
As part of its oversight role over financial reporting, the AC has reviewed the following key audit matter identified by the external auditor:
1. Shareholder Rights and Conduct of General Meetings
Principle 11:
The company treats all shareholders fairly and equitably in order to enable them to exercise shareholders' rights and have the opportunity to communicate their views on matters affecting the company. The company gives shareholders a balanced and understandable assessment of its performance, position and prospects.
2. Engagement with Shareholders
Principle 12:
The company communicates regularly with its shareholders and facilitates the participation of shareholders during general meetings and other dialogues to allow shareholders to communicate their views on various matters affecting the company.
For FY 2020/21, the Manager provided Unitholders with half year and annual financial statements, as well as first and third quarter business updates. The Board, with the support of Management, is responsible for providing a balanced and informed assessment of Starhill Global REIT's performance, position and prospects, including interim and other price-sensitive public reports, and reports to regulators (if required). Management provides the Board with management accounts on a quarterly basis and as the Board may require from time to time to enable the Board to make a balanced and informed assessment. Financial reports and other material information are disseminated to Unitholders through announcements to SGX-ST via SGXNET, Starhill Global REIT's website and where applicable, press releases, of the performance, position and prospects of Starhill Global REIT.
All Unitholders can access the electronic copy of the Starhill Global REIT Annual Report which is published via SGXNET as well as Starhill Global REIT's website. Prior to an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), all Unitholders will receive a notice of AGM and an accompanying request form containing instructions on accessing the Annual Report online with the option of receiving a printed version. As and when an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Unitholders is to be held, each Unitholder is sent a copy of a circular to Unitholders which contains details of the matters to be proposed for Unitholders' consideration and approval. Unitholders are invited to attend these meetings to put forward any questions they may have on the matters on the agenda. Proxy forms containing voting rules and procedures are provided to Unitholders. During the meeting, Unitholders are also briefed on the detailed voting procedures and to ensure transparency, the Manager conducts electronic poll voting and all votes cast for or against and their respective percentages will be displayed “live” immediately at the meeting after the conduct of each poll.
An independent scrutineer is also appointed to validate the vote tabulation procedures. Detailed results showing the number of votes cast for and against each resolution and the respective percentages are announced on SGXNET.
Notices for the general meetings of Unitholders setting out all items of business to be transacted at the general meetings are also announced on SGXNET. The Manager is in full support of Unitholder participation at AGMs. A Unitholder is allowed to appoint one or two proxies to attend and vote at the general meetings in his/her stead. Where a Unitholder is a relevant intermediary (including but not limited to, a nominee company, a custodian bank or a CPF agent bank), such Unitholder may appoint more than two proxies to vote on its behalf at the meeting through proxy forms sent in advance, provided that each proxy must be appointed to exercise the rights attached to a different Unit or Units held by it.
All members of the Board, representatives of the Trustee, the Manager's senior management and the external auditor of Starhill Global REIT are in attendance at such general meetings. All Directors attended the general meetings held during their tenure in FY 2020/21. Unitholders are given the opportunity to air their views and ask questions regarding the matters to be tabled at the general meetings or about the conduct of audit and the preparation and content of the auditors' report. Resolutions put to the general meeting are separate unless they are interdependent and linked so as to form one significant proposal, and the reasons and material implications are explained in the notice of meeting. Minutes of general meetings record the key issues discussed and decisions made thereon including any substantial and relevant comments or queries from Unitholders relating to the agenda of the general meeting and the response from the Board and Management. These Minutes are made available to Unitholders at their request. As all Unitholders are entitled to receive these Minutes, the Manager believes that this is consistent with the intent to treat all Unitholders fairly and equitably.
The Manager is not implementing absentia voting methods such as voting via mail, e-mail or fax until security, integrity and other pertinent issues are satisfactorily resolved. Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Singapore, the AGM held in FY 2020/21 and the AGM to be held in FY 2021/22 was and will be convened by electronic means pursuant to the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Alternative Arrangement for Meetings for Companies, Variable Capital Companies, Business Trusts, Unit Trusts and Debenture Holders) Order 2020. Alternative arrangements relating to attendance at the AGM (including arrangements by which the AGM can be electronically accessed via live audio-visual webcast or live audio-only stream, submission of questions in advance of the AGM, addressing of substantial and relevant questions prior to or at the AGM and voting by appointing the chairman of the meeting as proxy at the AGM) are set out in the notice of AGM. Minutes of the AGM and responses to relevant and substantial questions from Unitholders were subsequently published on SGXNET and made available on Starhill Global REIT's website.
The Manager's current distribution policy is to distribute at least 90% of Starhill Global REIT's taxable income to its Unitholders or any other minimum level to qualify for tax transparency, as allowed by IRAS (as may be updated from time to time), with the actual level of distribution to be determined at the discretion of the Manager, having regard to funding requirements, operations and debt repayments, other capital management considerations, and the overall stability of distributions.
The Manager upholds a strong culture of continuous disclosure and transparent communication with Unitholders and the investing community. The Manager has in place a dedicated team performing the investor relations function and has developed an investor relations policy (“Communications Policy”), the cornerstone of which is delivery of timely and full disclosure of all material information relating to Starhill Global REIT by way of announcements via SGXNET in the first instance and then including the announcements on Starhill Global REIT's website at The Communications Policy sets out the mechanism through which Unitholders may contact the Manager with questions and through which the Manager may respond to such questions. Unitholders are welcome to engage the Manager beyond general meetings by contacting the Investor Relations and Corporate Communications department, whose contact details are set out on Starhill Global REIT's website at This allows for an ongoing exchange of views so as to actively engage and promote regular, effective and fair communication with Unitholders. Where there is inadvertent disclosure of material information made to a select group, the Manager will make the same disclosure publicly to all others as promptly as possible, where appropriate or necessary. More details on the Manager's investor relations activities and efforts are set out on page 71.
Starhill Global REIT's website contains recent announcements, press releases, presentations, and past and current reports to Unitholders. The website also provides visitors with the option of signing up for a free email alert service on public materials released by the Manager in relation to Starhill Global REIT.
The Manager also participates in investor conferences locally and overseas as part of its efforts to cultivate and maintain regular contact with investors and analysts and to build interest in and strengthen the branding of Starhill Global REIT.
1. Engagement with Stakeholders
Principle 13:
The Board adopts an inclusive approach by considering and balancing the needs and interests of material stakeholders, as part of its overall responsibility to ensure that the best interests of the company are served.
The Manager adopts an inclusive approach by considering and balancing the needs and interests of material stakeholders as part of its overall strategy to ensure that the best interests of the Unitholders are served. In line with this approach, the Manager's key areas of focus in relation to the management of stakeholder relationships include sustainability and environmental and social responsibility in the business and operations of Starhill Global REIT.
The Manager has arrangements in place to identify and engage with its material stakeholder groups to gather feedback and engage with its material stakeholder groups on issues of sustainability and environmental and social responsibility that are significant and material to them. This includes maintaining Starhill Global REIT's website at, which facilitates communication and engagement with various stakeholders. The Board has considered and reviewed sustainability issues in the environment, social and governance aspects of the business of Starhill Global REIT. More information on the material sustainability issues of Starhill Global REIT are set out on pages 72 to 97.
1. Dealing with Related Party Transactions
(i) Review procedures for related party transactions
The Manager has established internal control procedures to ensure that transactions involving the Trustee, as trustee for Starhill Global REIT, and any Interested Person or Interested Party as defined in the listing manual of the SGX-ST and the Property Funds Appendix respectively (“Related Party Transactions”) are undertaken on normal commercial terms and will not be prejudicial to the interests of Starhill Global REIT or the Unitholders. As a general rule, the Manager would have to demonstrate to the AC that such transactions satisfy the foregoing criteria, which may entail obtaining (where practicable) quotations from parties unrelated to the Manager, or obtaining valuations from independent professional valuers (in accordance with the Property Funds Appendix).
In addition, the following procedures are followed:
- transactions (either individually or as part of a series or if aggregated with other transactions involving the same related party during the same financial year) below 3.0% of Starhill Global REIT's latest audited net tangible assets will be subject to review by the AC;
- transactions (either individually or as part of a series or if aggregated with other transactions involving the same related party during the same financial year) equal to or exceeding 3.0% but below 5.0% of Starhill Global REIT's latest audited net tangible assets will be subject to the review and prior approval of the AC. Such approval shall only be given if the transactions are on normal commercial terms and consistent with similar types of transactions made by the Trustee, as trustee for Starhill Global REIT, with third parties which are unrelated to the Manager; and
- transactions (either individually or as part of a series or if aggregated with other transactions involving the same related party during the same financial year) equal to or exceeding 5.0% of Starhill Global REIT's latest audited net tangible assets will be subject to review and prior approval of the AC which may, as it deems fit, request advice on the transaction from independent sources or advisers, including obtaining valuations from professional valuers. Further, under the listing manual of the SGX-ST and the Property Funds Appendix, such transactions would have to be approved by Unitholders at a meeting of Unitholders.
Where matters concerning Starhill Global REIT relate to transactions entered into or to be entered into by the Trustee for and on behalf of Starhill Global REIT with a related party of the Manager or Starhill Global REIT, the Trustee is required to satisfy itself that such transactions are conducted on normal commercial terms and are not prejudicial to the interests of Starhill Global REIT or Unitholders and are in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Property Funds Appendix and/ or the listing manual of the SGX-ST relating to the transaction in question. Further, the Trustee has the ultimate discretion under the Trust Deed to decide whether or not to enter into a transaction involving a related party of the Manager or Starhill Global REIT. If the Trustee is to sign any contract with a related party of the Manager or Starhill Global REIT, the Trustee will review the contract to ensure that it complies with the requirements relating to interested party transactions in the Property Funds Appendix and the provisions of the listing manual of the SGX-ST relating to interested person transactions as well as such other guidelines as may from time to time be prescribed by the MAS and the SGX-ST or other relevant authority to apply to real estate investment trusts.
(ii) Internal control procedures
The Manager's internal control procedures are intended to ensure that Related Party Transactions are conducted on normal commercial terms and are not prejudicial to Unitholders. The Manager maintains a register to record all Related Party Transactions (and the basis, including, where practicable, the quotations obtained to support such basis, on which they are entered into) which are entered into by Starhill Global REIT. The Manager has incorporated into its internal audit plan a review of all Related Party Transactions entered into by Starhill Global REIT.
The AC reviews the internal audit reports to ascertain that the guidelines and procedures established to monitor Related Party Transactions have been complied with. The AC periodically reviews all Related Party Transactions to ensure compliance with the internal control procedures and with the relevant provisions of the listing manual of the SGX-ST and the Property Funds Appendix. The review includes the examination of the nature of the transaction and its supporting documents or such other data deemed necessary by the AC. If a member of the AC or any Director has an interest in a transaction, he is to abstain from participating in the review and approval process in relation to that transaction. The Manager discloses in Starhill Global REIT's Annual Report the aggregate value of Related Party Transactions (equal to or exceeding S$100,000 each in value) entered into during the relevant financial year.
2. Dealing with Conflicts of Interest
The Manager has instituted the following procedures to deal with potential conflicts of interest issues which may arise in managing Starhill Global REIT:
- the Manager will not manage any other real estate investment trust which invests in the same type of properties as Starhill Global REIT;
- executive officers will be employed by the Manager or measures will be put in place to mitigate any potential conflict;
- all resolutions in writing of the Directors of the Manager in relation to matters concerning Starhill Global REIT must be approved by a majority of the Directors, including at least one Independent Director;
- at least half of the Board shall comprise of Independent Directors;
- all Related Party Transactions must be reviewed by the AC and/or approved by a majority of the AC in accordance with the materiality thresholds and procedures outlined above. If a member of the AC has an interest in a transaction, he will abstain from voting;
- Directors disclose promptly all interests in a transaction or proposed transaction;
- in respect of matters in which a Director of the Manager or his Associates (as defined in the listing manual of the SGX-ST) have an interest, direct or indirect, such interested Director will abstain from voting. In such matters, the quorum must comprise a majority of the Directors of the Manager and must exclude such interested Director; and
- the Manager and its Associates are prohibited from being counted in a quorum for or voting at any meeting of Unitholders convened to approve any matter in which the Manager or any of its Associates have a material interest.
The Directors of the Manager are under a fiduciary duty to Starhill Global REIT to act in its best interests in relation to decisions affecting Starhill Global REIT when they are voting as a member of the Board. In addition, the Directors and executive officers of the Manager are expected to act with integrity at all times. It is also provided in the Trust Deed that if the Manager is required to decide whether or not to take any action against any person in relation to any breach of any agreement entered into by the Trustee for and on behalf of Starhill Global REIT with a related party of the Manager, the Manager shall be obliged to consult with a reputable law firm (acceptable to the Trustee) on the matter. If the said law firm is of the opinion that the Trustee has a prima facie case against the party allegedly in breach under such agreement, the Manager shall be obliged to take appropriate action in relation to such agreement. The Directors of the Manager (including its Independent Directors) have a duty to ensure that the Manager so complies.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Manager shall inform the Trustee as soon as it becomes aware of any breach of any agreement entered into by the Trustee for and on behalf of Starhill Global REIT with a related party of the Manager and the Trustee may take such action as it deems necessary to protect the rights of Unitholders and/or which is in the interests of Unitholders. Any decision by the Manager not to take action against a related party of the Manager shall not constitute a waiver of the Trustee's right to take such action as it deems fit against such related party.
3. Dealing in Starhill Global REIT Units
Each Director of the Manager is required to give notice to the Manager of his acquisition of units or of changes in the number of Units which he holds or in which he has an interest, within two business days after such acquisition or changes in interest. All dealings in units by Directors of the Manager are announced via SGXNET.
The Directors and employees of the Manager are encouraged, as a matter of internal policy, to hold Units but are prohibited from dealing in the Units during the following periods:
- a one-month period preceding the announcement of the half year and full year financial statements;
- a two-week period preceding the announcement of Starhill Global REIT's business updates for the first and third quarters; or
- any period when there exists any matter which constitutes non-public price-sensitive information in relation to the securities of Starhill Global REIT.
The Directors and employees of the Manager are advised not to deal in the Units on short-term considerations. In addition, the Manager will announce via SGXNET the particulars of its holdings in the Units and any changes thereto within one business day after the date on which it acquires or disposes of any Units, as the case may be. The Manager will also not deal in the Units during the period commencing one month before the public announcement of Starhill Global REIT's annual and half-year financial results and two weeks before the public announcement of Starhill Global REIT's business updates for the first and third quarter, and ending on the date of announcement of the relevant results.
4. Fees payable to the Manager
The Manager is entitled to the following fees:
(i) Base Fee
The Base Fee covers the operational and administrative expenses incurred by the Manager in executing its responsibilities to manage Starhill Global REIT's portfolio. The Manager is entitled to receive a base fee of 0.5% per annum of the Value of Trust Property (excluding GST) as defined on page 138 (“Base Fee”) or such higher percentage as may be fixed by an Extraordinary Resolution of a meeting of Unitholders. The Manager may opt to receive the Base Fee in respect of its properties in cash or Units or a combination of cash and Units (as it may determine). The portion of the Base Fee payable in cash shall be payable monthly in arrears and the portion of the Base Fee payable in the form of Units shall be payable quarterly in arrears. If a trigger event occurs, resulting in the Manager being removed, the Manager is entitled to be paid the Base Fee up to the day on which the trigger event occurs.
(ii) Performance Fee
The Manager is entitled to a performance fee (“Performance Fee”) where the accumulated return (comprising capital gains and accumulated distributions and assuming all distributions are reinvested in the Trust) of the Units (expressed as the “Trust Index”) in any Financial Year exceeds the accumulated return (comprising capital gains and accumulated distributions and assuming reinvestment of all distributions) of a benchmark index (“Benchmark Index”). The Performance Fee is calculated in two tiers as follows:
- A Tier 1 Performance Fee equal to 5.0% of the amount by which the accumulated return of the Trust Index exceeds the accumulated return of the Benchmark Index, multiplied by the equity market capitalisation of the Trust; and
- A Tier 2 Performance Fee which is applicable only where the accumulated return of the Trust Index is in excess of 2.0% per annum above the accumulated return of the Benchmark Index. This tier of the fee is calculated at 15.0% of the amount by which the accumulated return of the Trust Index is in excess of 2.0% per annum above the accumulated return of the Benchmark Index, multiplied by the equity market capitalisation of the Trust.
The Performance Fee, whether payable in any combination of cash and Units or solely in cash or Units, will be payable annually in arrears within 30 days after the last day of each financial year. Please refer to pages 138 to 139 for further details on the Performance Fee.
The Performance Fee is based on accumulated return (comprising capital gains and accumulated distributions and assuming all distributions are re-invested in the Trust) of the Units, such that where the accumulated return for the Trust Index exceeds the total return of the Benchmark Index, the Manager will be paid a Performance Fee. The interests of the Manager are therefore aligned with the interests of the Unitholders as the Performance Fee would be commensurate with the value that the Manager delivers to Unitholders in the form of such accumulated return. In addition, the Manager has to ensure that the Trust Index outperforms the Benchmark Index. This motivates and incentivises the Manager to grow the accumulated return to Unitholders and outperform the Benchmark Index on a long-term and sustainable basis through proactive asset management strategies, asset enhancement initiatives, disciplined investments and prudent capital and risk management. By pegging performance fee to accumulated return, the Manager will not take on excessive short-term risks that will affect returns to Unitholders.
(iii) Acquisition Fee
The Manager is entitled to an Acquisition Fee as set out in clause 15.2 of the Trust Deed. This is earned by the Manager upon completion of an acquisition. The fee seeks to motivate and compensate the Manager for the time and effort spent in sourcing, evaluating and executing acquisitions that meet Starhill Global REIT's investment criteria and increase long-term returns for Unitholders. Additional resources and costs incurred by the Manager in the course of seeking out new acquisition opportunities include, but are not limited to, due diligence efforts and man-hours spent in evaluating the transactions.
The Manager provides these services over and above the provision of ongoing management services with the aim of enhancing long-term returns, income sustainability and achieving the investment objectives of Starhill Global REIT.
The Acquisition Fee is calculated at 1.0% of the value of the real estate acquired and subject to the Property Funds Appendix, shall be paid to the Manager in the form of cash and/or Units (as the Manager shall elect). The Acquisition Fee is payable to the Manager 14 days after the completion of the relevant acquisition. Please refer to page 139.
As required by the Property Funds Appendix, where an acquisition constitutes an “interested party transaction”, the Acquisition Fee payable to the Manager will be in the form of Units which shall not be sold within one year from the date of issuance. This motivates the Manager to ensure that any acquisitions from interested parties perform and contribute to Unitholders' returns.
(iv) Divestment Fee
The Manager is entitled to a Divestment Fee as set out in clause 15.3 of the Trust Deed. This is earned by the Manager upon completion of a divestment. This fee seeks to motivate and compensate the Manager for its efforts in maximising value for Unitholders by selectively divesting properties that have reached a stage which offers limited scope for further income growth and to recycle capital and optimise Starhill Global REIT's portfolio. The fee covers additional costs and resources incurred by the Manager, including but not limited to, sourcing for buyers, due diligence efforts and man-hours spent in the course of the transactions.
In accordance to clause 15.3 of the Trust Deed, the Divestment Fee is calculated at 0.5% of the value of the real estate divested and subject to the Property Funds Appendix, shall be paid to the Manager in the form of cash and/or Units (as the Manager may elect).
The Divestment Fee is payable as soon as practicable after the completion of the relevant divestment. Please refer to page 139.
As required by the Property Funds Appendix, where a divestment constitutes an “interested party transaction”, the Divestment Fee payable to the Manager shall be in the form of Units, which shall not be sold within one year from the date of issuance.
The Divestment Fee is lower than the Acquisition Fee because the sourcing, evaluating and executing of potential acquisition opportunities generally require more resources, effort and time on the part of the Manager as compared to divestments.
(v) Development Management Fee
The Manager is entitled to charge a development management fee equivalent to 3.0% of the total project costs incurred in development projects undertaken and managed by the Manager on behalf of Starhill Global REIT (the “Development Management Fee”), as set out in Clause 15.6 of the Trust Deed. In addition, when the estimated total project costs are greater than S$200.0 million, the Trustee and the Independent Directors of the Manager will first review and approve the quantum of the Development Management Fee payable to the Manager, whereupon the Manager may be directed by the Independent Directors to reduce the Development Management Fee.
For the purpose of calculating the Development Management Fee, “total project costs” means the sum of the construction costs, principal consultants' fees, cost of obtaining all approvals for the development project (including but not limited to any differential premium or development charge payable), site staff costs, interest costs and any other costs which meet the definition of total project costs and can be capitalised to the development project in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Singapore. For the avoidance of doubt, total project costs shall not include land costs.
A Development Management Fee is chargeable for all development projects undertaken by the Manager on behalf of Starhill Global REIT which include the redevelopment of an existing property. However, the Manager will not receive a Development Management Fee for activities involving refurbishment, retrofitting and renovations.
The Manager believes that having the ability to execute a development strategy when an attractive opportunity arises is beneficial to Unitholders as development projects can potentially provide significant returns to augment the income derived from the acquisitions and thus also contribute to improving the net asset value of Starhill Global REIT's portfolio, as the case may be, and provide growing distributions to Unitholders. Unlike outright acquisitions of completed income-producing properties, the process of property development is more complex as it requires a longer gestation period and involves the management and supervision of significant construction activity. The services rendered for a development project is significantly more than the services rendered for an acquisition.
The Development Management Fee shall be payable in the form of cash and/or Units (as the Manager may elect) and in equal monthly instalments over the construction period of each development project based on the Manager's best estimate of the total project costs and construction period and, if necessary, a final payment of the balance amount to be paid to the Manager or paid by the Manager when the total project costs is finalised.
Development management may at times contain certain aspects of project management. In order to ensure that there is no double-payment of fees for the same services provided, where Development Management Fees are payable to the Manager, there will not be any additional project management fees payable to the project manager and vice versa. Please refer to pages 139 to 140.
(Information required pursuant to Appendix 7.4.1 of the Listing Manual)
For more details, please refer to pages 22 to 23 of the FY 2020/21 Annual Report on the Board of Directors.
